I find it incredible how quickly an accidental coinage of a term – net.art – became the catalyst for the creation of a community. So quickly artists, companies, and other people found their way to the net.art community, and it was so clear that this medium was much needed to connect people from all over the world through the web-verse.

Work from jodi.org
I found this article really empowering, actually. It is really interesting to be on the complete other side of the timeline from this point in internet and digital art development. I wasn’t born until 2000, so all of these early developments occurred before I was born. I grew up in a world surrounded by tech and technology that was constantly being updated and coming out with newer, better, more high-tech versions of itself.

When I was reading, I felt like those early versions of net.art and the creations by those early net.artists were so far removed from me and the digital art I experience and learn about now; however, it really wasn’t that long ago. In such a short time, this field has infinitely expanded, changed,
and updated. This makes me both excited and eager for how much more change and newness I will experience in my lifetime.
Work by Olia Lialina

Work by Vuk Cosic

I can only imagine how awestruck someone who was around digital art since net.art was coined in 1995 must be to think about the immense change that has occurred so far in their experiences. This makes me think largely of the NFT craze we are experiencing and just how quickly this new area/idea is gaining popularity.
Work by Olia Lialina

I feel like NFTs have and will continue to open more doors of opportunity for digital artists and digital art as a whole. They have expanded the digital art community and brought more attention and recognition to digital artists and their work. I hope one day in the future I can look back on what I learned in DA1 or even on this website and laugh about just how outdated the technology is. I can’t wait to see the changes and new technology that will be brought into this field. I just hope it continues to grow and that more people can find their place in this community.