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Brainstorm Blog #2

With this project, I am excited to channel John Cage with finding art in the beauty of making music out of varied sounds. I have been thinking about a theme to shoot for, because I was thinking I might have an easier time going through the different sounds if I had a general idea of what I wanted my sounds to be categorized as. I thought that if I had a theme, I could better search out the sounds I need to make that come to life. At first I was thinking that I could do an upbeat, sounds of life type of theme. Picking sounds that excite the feelings of adrenaline, utter happiness, joy, laughter, thrill. I wanted my sound to make people feel happy and content after listening to it through. To only make the listeners feel optimistic.

But then, as I was flying home to my hometown in southern California, my mindset was focused on healing and trying my best to feel grounded and calm – something I have lost a lot of recently. As I was walking on the beach and meditating this weekend and capturing sound bites, I realized another idea that would turn out beautiful as well. I wanted to then think about using my sound to convey peacefulness, calmness, serenity, and feeling grounded. I was imagining using natural sounds and creating something that puts the listeners in that mindset. After listening to the sounds this week, I will keep an open mind and let the sounds that are submitted help me make a decision for a theme.

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